Friday, January 27, 2017

January 27, 2017

We spent a lot of time in class this week focusing on the three sociological perspectives: Functionalist, Conflict, and Interactionist.

Remember, the notes on these perspectives is on the powerpoint, which is on this blog. I am also including pictures of the notes we took in class during our discussions in both Thursday's class and Friday's. 

If you need more support with these notes or you have a hard time reading my messy writing (haha), please let me know.

Remember, homework for next class is to read chapter two in your textbook and complete a reader response. It is the same format as what you did for chapter one and remember to read any notes or suggestions I wrote on your chapter one homework to apply to chapter two's response. 

Sociology tutoring is available on Mondays and Wednesdays with Nancy Parent if you need more help. Sign up through Starfish.

I will also begin running a sociology lab with Liz on Wednesdays from 4-5pm to help with learning strategies and navigating the textbook. Let me know if you'd like to attend. 

Topic: Abortion

Topic: Mass Shootings
Topic: Protests
Topics: 9/11 (black marker) and Sandy Hook (purple marker)

Monday, January 23, 2017

January 23, 2017

In class, we reviewed the reader response homework procedure and answered any questions regarding the assignment. Then, we discussed parts of chapter one. You can find the powerpoint under the "powerpoints" tab. We focused on the Sociological Imagination and had a great discussion on how it is used when exploring social observations. We also reviewed the three major theoretical perspectives we will study: functionalist, conflict, and interactionist.

For homework, there are two activities that I handed out in class. You can find a link to the pages below. You will need your textbook for both activities. Feel free to work together, but everyone must have their own paper to hand in.

Major Figures in the Field Activity

Three Theoretical Perspectives Activity

Friday, January 20, 2017

January 20, 2017


Actively read chapter 1 in your textbook (highlight, underline, write notes in the margins, etc.).

Complete a READER RESPONSE for that chapter. Use the guidelines handed out in class. There is also a copy on the blog. 

Remember, you MUST DO the entire first part of the response directions and then CHOOSE ONE from the second part. 

Let me know if you have questions!