Friday, April 21, 2017

April 21, 2017

Last Portfolio Assignment:

Find 4 images that relate to your topic. As with the other assignments, be thoughtful and selective in choosing your images. Look for images that are really thought-provoking and relevant to your not just choose the first 4 things you see on Google Images!!!

Print each image on a separate piece of paper.

Write a ONE PAGE reaction paper for all 4 images...ONE paper for all images. Discuss:

  • What do the images show?
  • How do they relate to your topic?
  • Opinions and/or reactions to the images?
Tuesday/Friday class: Due Tuesday, April 25th
Monday/Thursday class: Due Thursday, April 27th

Important Upcoming Dates:

Finalized and edited portfolio due (a checklist to help with this will be given out): 
  • M/Th class: Monday, May 1st
  • T/F class: Friday, April 28th
Final Exam:
  • M/Th class: Thursday, May 4th at 11:30am in NH112
  • T/F class: Tuesday, May 2nd at 1:00pm in BH108
Study guides will be handed out next class. I have also already uploaded it onto the blog if you want it sooner. It is under the "powerpoints/notes" tab.

We are on the home stretch! Keep up the hard work for a couple more weeks :)

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

April 18, 2017


1. Chapter 12 Reader Response...last textbook chapter for the semester!!

2. Gender Socialization Observation Notes: Think like a sociologist and do some informal field work to look for gender roles, stereotypes, expectations, etc. 

Observe people in places such as the dining hall, common room, class, public places, etc. and take some notes on the gender roles and socialization you see. 

If you are able to, go to a store and look in toy aisles, clothes aisles, etc. and take some notes on how gender roles are broken down in stores. If you can't get to a store, look through catalogs or store websites.

Your notes should be titled with the location you are observing and the time of day. Your observation notes can be in bulleted/list form, but must be detailed and clear. 

Notes may be typed or handwritten--your choice. We will discuss and I will collect during Friday's class.

Tuesday/Friday class: DUE FRIDAY, April 21
Monday/Thursday class: DUE MONDAY, April 24

Monday, April 17, 2017

April 17, 2017

Monday/Thursday class: please see the previous blog post with the directions for the song portfolio assignment. This is due on THURSDAY.

In class today, we had a great discussion on wage laws: minimum wage versus living wage, stratification due to wage, etc. We also discussed our budget activity by looking at some government living wage estimates. We began discussion stratification by gender, as indicated on the chapter 11 powerpoint, and will finish this next class. 

Tuesday/Friday class: Remember that your song assignment is due tomorrow....TUESDAY. We will cover the concept of stratification by gender tomorrow in class, which was the subject of chapter 11.

Friday, April 14, 2017

April 14, 2017

Portfolio Assignment: Song

Find one song that has lyrics that connect to your may need to think outside the box here and be creative. You can connect thematically or metaphorically if you cannot find a song literally written about your topic.

Write a one page reaction paper about the song:

  • What is the song and what is it about?
  • How does it connect to your topic?
  • What is your reaction to it? Opinions? Thoughts? Feelings?
Print the song lyrics and include them with your paper.

One song. Due NEXT class. 

Thursday, April 13, 2017

April 13, 2017

In class today, we went over Stratification. Please review the powerpoint under the powerpoints tab if you missed class or need a review. We also discussed the functions of stratification and social inequality in society and looked at the concept of poverty and living wage estimates.

Please have your budget estimates ready to discuss and analyze for next class. DO NOT LOSE THEM.

Homework Due Next Class:
1. Textbook page 198-200: Social Policy and Stratification, Minimum Wage Laws: Read the article and answer the three discussion questions (we will discuss next class)
2. Chapter 11 Stratification by Gender Reader Response

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

April 12, 2017

Wednesday Makeup Class for M/Th Group...

In class today, we worked on two activities to cover textbook content:

1. Page 163 research article "Does Crime Pay": read the mini article and answer the two discussion questions 

2. In chapter 7, six types of crime are defined in the section titled "Crime: A Sociological Approach". Define each type of crime and provide an example of each type of crime from the news or media. 

Please send me your work for a classwork grade. This information will likely be seen on your final exam, so it's important to complete the assignments. 

In other news, those that attended class today were told the secret that I've been keeping that has made me have a hard time making the 10am class...I am pregnant! So those that suspected me were correct! ha ha 

I apologize for missing so many classes and struggling with feeling well enough to make it in. I am doing my best and appreciate your understanding :) 

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

April 11, 2017

In Class Lesson: Looking at Crime from Sociological Perspectives

Young college man killed his mother during an epileptic seizure. He was ruled not guilty and is being examined by a psychiatrist for mental health and possible institutionalization. He is asking for his mother's life insurance policy, even though he killed her. 

Conflict Perspective Notes:

  • makes you wonder if he feels guilty and if he thinks his actions were unjust?
  • some people commit crime for money
  • mental health can be used as a excuse for deviant behavior...the justice system seems to favor people with mental illness
  • how can you properly give consequences with something as unpredictable and uncertain as health conditions?
  • do we have all the information to handle this crime fairly?
  • justice system favors young, white, males, which is likely why he never served prison time

Labeling Perspective Notes:
  • he is a young male--he is developing and likely to make mistakes because he is young
  • he looks innocent, so he couldn't have meant it...his picture makes him "seem like a good kid"
  • he is middle class, white, and in college--couldn't have had a deviant motive
  • mental illness causes bad decision making--he wasn't thinking clearly so it can't be his fault

In class activity: 
In chapter 7, there are 6 types of crimes defined. Define each type and find a real-life, current event example of each type of crime.

If you did not finish this in class, turn it in next class. You are expected to finish this assignment!

HOMEWORK DUE FRIDAY (T/F) or MONDAY (M/TH): chapter 11 reader response